Sunday, 15 March 2009

Trial video embed

Apologies to anyone still on dial-up but I think it's possible to embed video here - testing it!
They won't try to load unless you click play.
You can stop the youtube ones by moving the slider to the end.
If they play jerkily try pausing until more of the file has loaded.

Silage making June 2008

River Esk in flood at Hunters Sty and Osseker Crook Bridge.

1 comment:

  1. I have visited the village of Westerdale, once in 1985, and again in 2001. I live near the Mississippi River, in Illinois, USA, and Westerdale is my surname. I have 2 sons, who have also visited the village, one who lives in Harrogate, and the other lives in Nebraska, USA. I think the village is a quiet, and humble location, albeit small, and, I belive, is very attractive. I do have a few pictures of the village, and the stream nearby.


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